Blog Archives

In Which the World Looks Little

Well hey!  What’s crack-a-lackin’?  Remember when I used to blog?  No?  That’s fine.  Me neither.

But no worries because I’m back in the blogging saddle.  At least for today.  Since I have my mojo for the next few minutes, I will use this time to show you my Christmas knitting.

(In full disclosure, much of it is still not done.  Shut up.  I have a lot of things going on.  Like school.  And ice cream eating.  And Twitter.)

First up:

Pattern: Maggie Beans and Friends
Yarn: Caron Simply Soft

This was for my boss’s one-year-old daughter, who is easily the cutest baby in existence.  The pattern was easy.  The part that took the longest was her hair, which I believe I documented in several previous posts.  Here is a picture of when it was finally finished, and I gave her a stylish hair cut:

My boyfriend decided her name was Natawasha, for reasons that I just don’t grasp, and yet in my head that is, without a doubt, her name.  Oh, and I didn’t intend for her to be naked.  I just ran out of time, and it turns out I suck at hand sewing.


Pattern: Cruiser Mittens (Rav link)
Yarn: Brown Sheep Lanaloft Worsted

For my boss.  They turned out smaller that I anticipated, but he said they stretched out to fit his hands pretty exactly, so that’s nice.  Also, I really liked this yarn but was sneezy when I was making them.  Wool is one of the few things I’m not allergic to, so that’s something to look out for in the event that you are allergic.

I also made a pair of silver Mrs. Buchanan Gloves for his wife, but forgot to photograph them.  Par for the course.

And these:

Big G Janice!

Big G Rita!

Pattern: Knitted Neck Scarf
Yarn: KnitPicks Comfy Sport

My grandmothers get all kinds of excited when I knit for them, so I really enjoy doing their Christmas knitting.  One of them told me earlier in the year about having a scarf similar to this one when she was growing up, so I went searching for the pattern.  While the end result is lovely, allow me to be unkind for a moment: as much as I love me some Martha Stewart, this pattern from her site is shit.  It was so unclear, and I had to make a lot of it up as I went along.  Also, on one of the scarves, one end is much longer than the other because the instructions were wrong, and I didn’t realize it in time.


My mom would like me to share these with you:

Heeeelp!!! I'm melllllting!

She made them based on cookies from a site that I can’t find right now.  Eek.  Maybe later?  They were delightful, even though their heads were just big ol’ balls of fondant.

Somewhere in the past three years of my writing school education, I learned about transitions.  Thus, I know that this is a good transition.  Because I brought these cookies when I went to meet my boyfriend’s parents for the first time over break.  The transition goes like this: cookies –> boyfriend’s parents –> boyfriend’s Christmas knitting.

It’s like could I hit you over the head with that transition ANY harder?

Anyway, the point is that I have a boyfriend who I like a whole lot, and who I knit these for:

Pattern: Men’s Convertible Gloves
Yarn: Erm… possibly Cascade 220?  So much yarn, who can remember it all?

And he wears them.  I have a boyfriend who wears things I knit.  He wore them so much I had to fix them because strings were popping out (either that or it was just poor craftsmanship.  Let’s not think about it too hard).

This is another picture of them.  It’s an awful picture, but we were at the top of the Prudential Center, and I want to show you how little Boston is.  And the world.

I’ve been waiting a very long time for a boy to knit for.  And it was so very worth the wait, because this boy is quite the boy, and makes me happier than I’ve ever been with another person.  He is kind, and inspiring, doesn’t mind that sometimes I look like this:

Anyone remember Marshmallow from my old blog? Anyone remember my old blog? No? Fine.

Which is really all you can ask for.  In the event that anyone who is here to read my knitting blog is also into “Electro, Thrash, Industrial, Dubstep, Screamo” music (in accordance to their Facebook page), it would probably not be a mistake for you to listen to his band.  He’s the screamer.  Hawt.